Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Snapshot Update

It’s been a few weeks since I blogged, so here’s a quick snapshot of the happenings in the Graffam household:

1. Running, running, running

 JD and I have been diligently working on improving our running times and endurance.  I don’t run with JD because he is much faster than me (if you’re his Facebook friend, you can see how much his time has improved), but I’ve met several of my own goals through the Couch to 5K program and beyond.  I finally broke through my goal of running a 5K in less than 30 minutes a month ago.  I used to run this hackneyed course through my neighborhood, but after being used for target practice by too many minivan-driving Riverdale parents, I took to the Germantown Greenway.  I seem to run a little faster on the Greenway, probably because I am not constantly looking over my shoulder to see whose hood ornament I am about to become.  I even upgraded my route to a 4-mile track, so I hope to see more improvements in my time soon.

2. A little yard work

A few weeks ago, JD borrowed my car to drive his Simple Focus team to South Carolina, leaving me his truck.  What’s a Germantown housewife to do with a free weekend and a monster truck?  Besides taking three attempts to park in the garage at school, I decided to head to Lowe’s to pick up flowers and 1200 pounds of mulch.  Yup, that’s right, I personally spread 1200 pounds of mulch in our flowerbeds.  I don’t think JD has ever been that excited to get out of this chore.

3. Pool’s open!

Speaking of a little yard work, no summer season is ready without the backyard pool - bring your towel!

4. Traveling the summer season away

Fingers crossed, there are a few fun trips planned this summer.  Next week, we are headed to Virginia Beach.  Then, I get to visit with my brother in Nashville for a weekend.  A few weeks later, I will be relaxing on the beaches of Charleston with my old college roommates for what is sure to be a great trip.  On the way back, I am cruising through Atlanta to pick up my niece for a fun-filled five days with her favorite aunt back in Germantown.  After hosting the usual 4th of July activities at our house, the family is headed to the lake.  JD and I are discussing the possibility of ending the summer on a resort vacation somewhere like the Dominican Republic, we will see.  Not to mention all the weekends at Pickwick – this is shaping up to be quite a memorable summer!

5. Researching…how to extend deadlines

After a semester wrap-up meeting with my PhD advisor, I have a few things to accomplish this summer.  I need to take a comprehensive exam in the beginning of June, conclude one of my research projects by mid-June and develop two or three Economic Development topics for research in the Fall (apparently I’ve been dabbling in the Health Econ field too much)!

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