Saturday, September 1, 2012

It Just Got Interesting

In case you missed the social media posting, JD and I are having a baby in early March.  These past  13 weeks have been exciting and overwhelming, with every emotion in between.  We have prayed for a long time to be blessed with children, and it is still hard to believe the time has arrived.  As far as the first trimester went, I count myself fairly lucky in the symptom department.  Besides a little fatigue and food aversions, I never experienced morning sickness or weight gain.  In fact, all this baby wanted to eat was salad and fruit for a very long time, so I am ten pounds lighter thanks to this picky eater.

In the meantime, I am trying not to stress too much about the due date.  Isn't it every PhD student's dream to have a baby in the middle of the semester?  Ideally, I would be able to find a nanny to take care of the baby at our home for the last few weeks of the Spring semester, and then I will have the summer to be home with the baby.  Once the Fall semester hits, we would put the baby in day care.  I have a few leads on nanny possibilities, but it seems like such a big decision.  I don't even know how to take care of a baby myself, how am I supposed to hire someone to do the same?

By the end of the second trimester, I would like to have the nanny selected, nursery decor ordered (at least part of it - we are waiting on the gender!), baby registries completed and a few projects around the house completed or almost completed.  I tend to procrastinate, so I need to stay on top of this list while attending school, working a graduate assistantship and cultivating my research topics.  Here's to checking items off my ever-growing list in the next few months!

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