Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Husband Edition

I am generally pretty thankful for all that JD does for me, but he really went above and beyond this week.  Let me explain.  Tuesday night, I had a to-do list a mile long to complete.  We are heading to Atlanta on Friday to celebrate my niece's 4th birthday, and because of class/social events, Tuesday was the only evening for me to get everything done.

JD was in Virginia on a business trip, and we had already talked on the phone for quite a while catching up and making final selections for nursery bedding (check and check).  He's an hour ahead with an early flight in the morning, so we said good night early and I got back to my list.  The election returns are playing in the background as I am wrapping Emma's presents, running the laundry and waiting for my home wax kit to heat up.  I like to wax my own eyebrows at home instead of doing it at the salon to save money and because it is much more convenient.  Five speedy minutes later, I decide the eyebrows are sufficiently waxed, looking good, and I unplug the wax kit to set on the back of the commode so it can cool down before I put it away.  I remember looking at my watch and thinking, "wow, it's only 8:45, I bet I can get to bed early tonight."  As I look up, I see the wax kit is tipping over, pouring wax ALL OVER the commode.  In my blind panic, I snatch up the kit and walk quickly to the bathroom vanity to set it down.  Meanwhile, I have spilled wax from one side of the bathroom to the other.

With fingers covered in wax and sticky bare feet, I use my knuckle to dial JD (thank you, iPhone for being so easy to use).  Poor guy was sound asleep and completely lost as to why I was in panic mode.  Professional wax is not like candle wax - which dries hard and can be scraped off.  Professional wax STAYS sticky.  I am so upset at this point because I can't move out of the bathroom due to the wax on my hands and feet, and I have LITERALLY no idea how to rectify the situation.  I am yelling into the iPhone which is on speaker because I can't hold it with my waxy hands, and our poor dog has taken cover in the front of the house because I scared him.  After assuring JD a hundred times that I am not hurt, just sticky, he starts searching on how to clean this up.  He then utters something I have never experienced before, "Google did not return any search results" on how to clean up professional wax.  He changed his search criteria and found some people had success with vegetable oil, so I brave the sticky floor conundrum and trek to the kitchen to grab the bottle of vegetable oil.

Note here that I only use canola oil, but JD surprised me by making a birthday cake for me a month ago in which he purchased the largest bottle of vegetable oil ever made.  We wouldn't have the vegetable oil if it weren't for his birthday surprise, a fact that is not lost on me.  After a few hours, I have successfully removed 10% of the wax spill - from my hands, feet, part of the floor and counter.  I am extremely tired and sure that my blood pressure is way too high from this incident, JD tells me to close the door to the bathroom and use the guest bathroom tomorrow.  Poor guy is volunteering to scrub the rest of the bathroom when he gets back from his long business trip with little sleep thanks to his accident-prone wife.  Sure enough, when I get home from class on Wednesday night around nine p.m., he is in full-scrub mode.  He asked me if I flung the wax around the bathroom in helicopter mode based on the patterns in the floor, walls, etc.  I think I was panicking so much I have no idea what really happened.  After three vigorous hours of wax removal, our bathroom is cleaner than it has ever been thanks to my wonderful husband.  And we no longer own an at-home wax kit.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. Way to go JD...what a guy! Thanks for the awesome details Katie. Too hilarious...I'll be sure to keep an eye out when you come to our house this weekend. Love you!
