Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday, Nora!

One entire year - we've made it!  No more sleepless nights, no more nursing merry-go-around, no more brace, no more physical therapy, no more bottles or gross formula.

Nora is all fun these days - she is a great sleeper, good eater and an even more fun belly-laughing little girl!  She is trying so hard to walk, and trying even harder to "hug" the dog while conspicuously detaching his ears.  Buddy is wise to her ways and constantly puts me between him and the baby.

Nora loves to imitate people, and won't settle for eating anything other than what is being served to the adults.  It really makes you evaluate your current diet!

She has several teeth, loves to clap and wave, enjoys her baths and "figuring" things out - like where I keep the glass measuring cups.  She isn't saying a whole lot right now - just Dada, Yeah, Ball and Oh No - but the pediatrician thinks she is about to start talking because she is constantly trying to communicate.

We celebrated Nora's special day with a big party at the house - I think there was somewhere around 20 babies (including three sets of twins) in attendance in addition to parents and other friends/relatives.  She really enjoyed all the attention (can you say diva?) and ate almost her entire smash cake.  I'm beginning to understand why she is in the 75% percentile for her weight;)  Here are a few photos from her party:

At one year, she weighs 21lb, 14oz., is 29.5 inches tall, "cruises" everywhere while taking a few independent steps here and there, loves ALL food, drinks whole milk, sleeps 12 hours a night plus one morning nap, wears 12 month clothes and is generally happy all the time.  We love you, Nora!

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