Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Losing Our 'Three Under the Age of Two' Status

You may have noticed a steep decline in blog posts - but I have a good reason.  Three reasons to be exact, and they are all under the age of two.  I'll admit, it's been fun to tell people that we have three children under the age of two, and watch them mentally try to do the math.  When I explain that two of our babies are twins, it usually garners a sympathetic response.

Honestly, it's been hard.  But it could have been harder, so so much harder.  We don't have colicky babies, their general health is good (once we got past October!), and I'm blessed to have a such a wonderful husband and partner to experience this craziness by my side.  He is Johnny-on-the-spot with diaper changes, sleep training, toddler pleasing and daycare shuffling.

As Nora approaches her second birthday, I feel like we have hit a milestone.  No, she isn't potty trained and has yet to spout off full sentences expressing her desires, but changes are coming.  She loves her baby brothers and they smile when she plays with them.  This weekend, we will graduate to 'three under the age of three' status as we celebrate Nora's birthday.  Our little family of five is learning everyday how to survive and thrive with such young children, and we appreciate all of you who check in on us and offer to help!  It truly takes a village, and when you have your own village at home, it takes a stadium of people to make it work.

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