Thursday, May 16, 2013

Two Months of Bliss

Just when you thought you couldn't get enough of blog posts about our baby - here's another! ;)  Nora turned two months old May 13 and, since our baby is the smartest/most attractive/unique/perfect baby in the world (not biased at all), I feel the need to document all her milestones.

Weighs 9 lbs 4 ozs, and is 22 inches long.  When she was born, Nora was in the 25th percentile for her weight and 75th percentile for her height.  Now she is somewhere in the 15th percentile for her weight and 60th percentile for her height.

"Coo"s all the time.  It is so darned cute.  Her two-month pic above was taken mid-coo.  She is so funny.  We coo back and forth a lot.  Yes, my masters degree and half of a PhD makes me uniquely qualified for this exchange.

Can move her pacifier towards her mouth.  She has recently fallen in love with her Wubbanub.  For those of you unfamiliar to baby land, a Wubbanub is a pacifier attached to a stuffed animal.  If Nora's pacifier falls out of her mouth, she compensates by sucking on the frog's hand.  Hey, whatever works.

Took her two month shots like a champ.  This was definitely a proud momma moment.  There were three shots she needed.  The first needle prick caused her to whimper from being surprised, but she didn't make a sound otherwise for the rest of her shots.  When our nurse left the room, another nurse asked her to "go ahead and give Nora her shots."  To which our nurse replied, "I just did.  We are all finished."  The other nurse was surprised because she didn't hear any crying out in the hall.  I guess my "crying is for babies" speech to Nora on the way to the pediatrician's worked.

Getting very manipulative.  In our childbirth classes, they preached over and over again that you can't hold a newborn "too much" because they don't learn to manipulate you until they are a little bit older.  To say that Nora has learned how to manipulate her admirers is an understatement - she could teach an entire hospital of newborns how to school their parents.  She just wants one thing in life - to occupy your shoulder.  All day.  Everyday.  And she does this creepy thing where she kisses your neck.

Has about two more weeks of harness wear.  Her ultrasound is scheduled for May 29 to verify that her left hip is staying firmly in place.  We expect this to go well as all her physical examinations of late lean that way.

Conquers tummy time.  I can't wait to see how she handles tummy time without a harness.  With the harness on and keeping her legs in place, she is able to overpower and almost roll over.  Without the harness, she could probably somersault around the floor.  Her neck strength is pretty amazing thanks to the harness positioning as well.

Enough bragging - on to the good stuff.  Here are the latest photos of the cutie:

First bath I gave her without Daddy's help:

Not actually Nora - but a funny email that Nora "sent" Kevin as he was preparing to head back from Afghanistan:

Reading the Very Quiet Cricket from Aunt Crickett...who is anything but quiet:

Just hanging out:

Holding on to her pacifier for her life before she met Uncle Kevin for the first time:

Getting one-on-one cousin time with Emma:

Smiling for her Mommy:

 Loving on her Wubbanub:

That's the face of a girl who JUST had her two-month shots only minutes before.  Does she look sad to you??

Chilling out with her favorite babysitter, Taylor:

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